
Haiti Rebati Facility

DIG managed a ten-year, USD 14 million program in Haiti comprising a USD 8 million housing finance facility (Rebati) co-financed by the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund (CBHF). The Rebati facility played a vital role in long-term reconstruction efforts by providing a systemic solution to finance the construction and repair of homes and businesses through Haiti’s existing financial sector infrastructure, with a specific focus on the country’s working poor.

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Technical Assistance to Tameer Microfinance Bank

In 2007, DIG secured its second contract with Tameer Microfinance Bank in Pakistan for the provision of technical assistance under the umbrella of CGAP Retail Advisory Services (RAS) program. To further support Tameer’s shift from a typical bank model using outreach and relationship teams to a more traditional MFI model using loan officers, DIG conducted a needs assessment of the organization; designed, carried out, and analyzed a market demand assessment; and provided intensive training and technical assistance.

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